Are you looking for a funny and useful mom blog?

Good, you came to the right place!Hi, my name is Chantal Sarkisian and I am a new mom who had a sweet baby boy named Victor in Feb 2013. Join me on this blog to follow my new mommy journey while I am on my maternity leave. I'll ramble quickly about all the random thoughts that go through my head when I am feeding in the middle of the night, or trying to put my son to sleep. I'll also blog about my favourite things, give you helpful tools, and explore activities to do (mostly in the Ottawa region) with kids and maybe some product reviews too! Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Organized Momma = Relaxed Momma

Well, as most of you know, I've been working during maternity leave which means lots of traveling and time spent away from little man.

I'm lucky to have lots of family that look after V when I'm away. But, preparing for a business trip, means not only do I have to pack for myself, but I also need to get V packed for sleepovers at Granda or Grandpa's house. My husband's schedule is all over the place, so he can't look after V while he is working.

I'm leaving on a trip to Toronto this week, and then meet up with the family on Friday! So this means I'm packing my suitcase, V's sleep over stuff and V's Toronto stuff!! Must get organized and what better way than with lists!

V's schedule is now completely changed so I needed to update it. I like using my nice stationary for this . It's clean, neat and cute. Yes, I own stationary and I'm sad that I don't get to use it often :(

Do you go to work with a young baby at home? What's your method to stay sane? Please your comments below!

Friday, November 22, 2013

First Christmas

It's done! My tree is decorated, the stockings are up and my wreath is hanging on the front door.
My husband will look after the lights on the tree outside tomorrow and we are almost set!

It's V's first Christmas and I am hosting the family this year, so  I want to go all out! I am having my first holiday party tomorrow, so the house needs to scream  "Christmas". The only difference is, this year I am really going for the Pinterest, rustic, antique features like my recycled coffee bags that I bought from Francesco's to use as a tree skirt. I also invested in a few cloth and wood ornaments to stay as baby friendly as possible. I avoided placing anything on the bottom of the tree so V won't grab at it.

Who am I kidding? As soon as Victor wakes up, he will destroy my tree :( Oh well, a girl can dream!

My tree is decorated! Love my new ornaments this year:
DIY Victor's hand print, cloth mushroom (IKEA),
Smores mom and Baby's first Xmas and my favourite German Pickle! 
Spoiler alert- All family members will be receiving a
hand painted ornament from Victor this Xmas!

New rustic decorations that are baby friendly.
Loving the "shroom" theme at Ikea and The Bay this year :)

Off Road Cooking: deconstructed nachos

Cubed tomatoes, avocado and cheese, with greek yogurt and feel puree.
I made this for V tonight. He loves the cheese, avocado and tomato. Not a huge fan of the meat and yogurt, although he ate most of it.

Meat will be a challenging food to feed V until he has a few more teeth to help him chew. I'll have to find other ways to prepare it.

Any advice for a momma in need? Do all babies prefer chicken over beef? I know V does! Leave your comments below :)

Off Road Cooking: New teeth, new texture

V enjoying his Avocado and Omelette
Little man is so over purées.

Of course, as I settle into a routine and get comfortable cooking for him, V has to change it up! I was wondering why he was rejecting the last few meals I was giving him. Then it dawned on me when I was at a baby group and saw other kids eating cubed food… DUH! V is ready to chew with his new top teeth!

Now the challenge is, what do I feed him that he can chew, while maintaining the nutrients he requires? I put my creative "Off Road Cooking" hat on and came up with this: Spinach, mushroom and cheese omelette with cubed avocado.

He really loves chewing his food. Feeding takes three times as long now and you really have to watch for choking. Oddly enough, V doesn't put things in his mouth (like toys), which means he needs me to feed him because he doesn't know that he can put the food in his mouth :( He also prefers that I feed him with my fingers rather than using a spoon... Mr. Picky!

He is slowly learning to touch and pick up the food with his delicate hands (even if he ends up squishing it in his palms). V is also learning to use his sippy cup… he knows how to drink from it, and is working on holding it up himself. Warning- it gets dirty! I need to let go of the "messy"factor and just let him be a kid. I never realized that I am such a clean freak when it comes to baby mess. 

I just love watching V when he eats. His little mouth moving in new ways to accommodate for front teeth chewing, his dextrous fingers picking up small slippery food. I think because he is at eye level with me, it's a new angle that allows me to observe him closely. The high chair is also a great spot to teach things like "hands up" (baby hands up…) and "clap" because you have their undivided attention. V is getting really good at both.

Are you feeding baby stage 2 solids? Any good/easy recipes to share? Leave your comments below!

Easy meals in minutes: quinoa salad

I always make a point of ensuring I plan healthy meals to stay on track for my weight loss... I don't like that word "weight loss", I hesitate using it, but you know what I mean. I don't actually care about my weight, I just want to be in shape.

I make a huge vat of quinoa salad because it keeps well, it's jammed packed with veggies and it's filling. When I don't have time to make a balanced meal for one and when my husband works late, it's the perfect meal for me!

This salad is so flexible, I just make it with what I have on hand. Here is today's version.

- cooked quinoa, red quinoa and mung beans
- diced cucumber, tomato, red pepper, green onion, radish
- pumpkin seeds, dill, dried cranberries
- dressing: grape seed oil, lemon, apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper, sumac and my new obsession pomegranate molases!

I prepared the salad while V napped. It requires a bit of chopping time, like any delicious salad. But I'm really quick in the kitchen and made this in less than 15 minutes. Result= SO GOOD!

What's your go to healthy meal in minutes? Would you like to see more quick recipes? Leave your comments below!

N.B. I will be drawing prizes in my next posts for people who leave comments below ;) (so open a GD google account!!!) hahaha

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Free Activities: Starr Gymnastics

Yesterday I went to the free Baby meet up at Starr Gymnastics on Lancaster Rd.
It was such a fun adventure for V who is starting to walk along things and crawling like a champ!

Starr Gymnastics has a few different free playgroups around the city for different age groups. We visited the Lancaster Rd location on Wednesday at 12:30 pm for babies under 12 months. There's also a playgroup for kids between 1-5. Check their website for their most up to date schedule for all locations. 

It was nice to talk to some new moms (and dads!). Actually, it's a great place for dads to be active with baby. We hung out on the trampolines, slid down the slides and crawled around to meet new faces. It was nice to meet lots of babes that were the same age and developmental stage as V.

V fell in love with one of the friendly instructors and wouldn't let her go! Between all the hugs and smiles, I must admit, I was a bit jealous. The staff are so friendly and warm, that you feel right at home.

I must give a shout out to a mommy I met, who was in a wheel chair looking after her 10 month old. What a trooper. Being a mom is hard enough and seeing her be so independent and getting things done in her own way was truly remarkable. It reminded me how amazing women are and how I am so proud to be a woman :)

Ladies- please give yourselves a pat on the back for being awesome!

First Haircut

I know some moms may think I'm crazy for cutting Victor's hair... But I don't like the mullet that was growing into V's head!
Plus, I think V's style is more preppy, and he looks way better with a controlled hair style :)

I brought him in the bathroom, gave him some toys and went for it! Very dangerous to have such sharp objects near the most precious thing you'll ever possess! I took my time and snipped here and there, mostly in the back. I have experience cutting my husband's hair, so I wouldn't recommend learning on your baby! 

I'm keeping his silver locks for his baby book :) I wish my hair was naturally that colour! I am blond, but I have to pay for mine!

Little man update:
V is growing up so fast, I can't believe he'll be 10 months in a few weeks. He's already got 4 teeth and eating cubed food. He's learning new things everyday and getting stronger and smarter by the minute. He's got the sweetest sense of humour. He's also a cuddly little guy when he wants to be (Queue melting heart).

Friday, November 15, 2013

Momma's Book Club: And Baby Makes Three

Wearing my heart on my sleeve is something I just can't avoid. I like being honest, and expect the same from others.

As a new mom, I have to admit that keeping your relationship healthy is just as important and just as challenging as raising a new baby. I was recommended "And Baby Makes Three, by John Gottman".
It's a great short read that needs to be done by both parents in order to be effective.
You will find lots of examples and exercises to practice things like arguing and getting your feelings out without starting a fight.

Here is a list of interesting things I have learnt from the book:

  • Pregnant women were considered taboo back in the 50s. Because it reminded people of sex! Pregnant women were not seen on TV until Lucille Ball was actually pregnant while taping her show!
  • There is a smart way to fight and a stupid way to fight. Only 30% of people fight smart, the rest of us fight about "how we are fighting" instead of "what the fight is actually about". 
    • Ex: "You always get defensive", "Stop raising your voice" "You're so lazy and selfish".. blah blah blah. What you meant to say was "Can you please the dishes?".
  • Something we don't plan enough as parents are our new family morals and views, which include religion, discipline, motivating, support. You need to meld both partner's existing family values into one and create a new way of parenting that is unique to your household. SO HARD!!
Have you read this book? Thoughts? Any other books you'd recommend?
Do you have any advice to share on relationships with a new baby? Did you take a Bringing Baby Home class? Did it help? Share your comments, I'd love to hear your advice or questions!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Maternity leave bucket list

So, here we are 9.5 months in and reality is setting in. I have about 2 months left of my maternity leave and I feel like I still have so much to do.

  1. Get organized for Xmas
  2. Declutter basement
  3. Organize old baby stuff (ya right! Bahahah)
  4. Visit small town in the area for the day (Almont, Perth, Smith Falls, Westport)
  5. Playdates with new baby friends that Victor hasn't met! 
So much to do, so little time!

Number 5 is really important. Maybe the most important one of all. When will you ever be off at the same time as your friends and have the opportunity to hang out during the day? Please, please, don't take #5 for granted and always make time for friends. They are what keep you sane during your maternity leave and are the only ones that care about how often your baby poops in a day and how many times you woke up last night to a crying baby.

I was with a fellow mommy friend yesterday who is really struggling with the concept of going back to work. We talked about how going back to work is not something you plan when you are pregnant and looking forward to being on maternity leave. I have been working from home pretty much since V was born so that concept is a bit foreign to me. She did point out that I was lucky to have a foot in the real world this whole time. I also have a few fellow mommies who are living this right now, and let me tell you, I'm taking notes!! I am still terrified of being able to juggle it all work, cooking, gym, groceries, laundry, cleaning… I WANT TO CRY.

We joked about a scenario at work where you would seek pity from your colleagues "you know, I have a baby at home…" and the other person is like "Ya? So what. So do I."… That's when it hit us. Other people have kids too. Conclusion: Women who are at work with kids at home are superheros and we take them for granted. 

The good news is that, I too will be there one day, wearing my superwomen t-shirt under my suit… just in case. But for now, I will take my time and enjoy what is left of my leave with Little man.

Are you going back to work? Do you have any tips to share? Please leave your comments below!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Getting in shape

Much like a new mom has the desire to reinvent herself with hair, getting back into your old physic is a huge burden.

Posting your workout on social media sites and
using apps like "Nike Run" really help with motivation!
Not only do you want to wear your old clothes again, but you want to feel good, and you want to look even better! Getting active again after you've had your baby can be difficult. Especially, if it's not something you were used to doing before you got pregnant. But trust me, it's never too late to start!

I was really looking forward to getting back in shape once I had V. About 11 years ago, when I met my husband, I was at my prime: working out, eating well. I looked and felt amazing about my body for the first time. Over the years I gradually gained weight: new car, no more walking or bussing, promotion as a manger at work, no more standing and running around, more stressful life. And of course the "love pounds" that come with a new relationship. Eating out more often and focusing less on me, was my ticket to the  vicious weight gain cycle!

I mean in high school, I ate like a cow and was pretty athletic. I was so busy with work and after school programs, I was not preoccupied by my weight and felt great in my skin.
As you get older, the pounds don't come off as easily and your metabolism slows down significantly, your also BUSY! This is where I lost control... Chantal, we're not in high school anymore chicka, time to start working out!

I always loved team sports but detested the thought of working out alone. The idea of going for a run, made me so anxious, especially when I was in army cadets, it still does. I always end up doing an ok job, and it's much less worse than what I had anticipated. I worry to much! In the last few months, I started running, and I'm quite enjoying it! The alone time that I used to dread, is now what I crave!

At about 3 months post pregnancy, I started strollercize ( at boomerang kids) which was a great way to meet moms, get out of the house, get moving and all at my own pace :) no pressure, just support.
In the summer I registered for Fitmom classes, played beach volleyball (4s) and entered a tournament in August.
In September, I joined the Athletic Club, and I'm loving it! I started doing yoga, hot yoga, Zumba, Cycling... You name it!

Aside from the multiple injuries I have endured after having Little man (back pain, tendonitis in shoulder, carpel tunnel in wrists), running has been my savior! It was the only thing I could do that was ok for all my other pains. It's clear that carrying extra weight has a toll on your body, but I'm working on it!

I was careful with my weight, when I got pregnant because I didn't have much weight gain to spare (20 lbs). I was in great shape during my pregnancy from doing 2 workout classes a week (for a pregnancy trial), not to mention made awesome friends too! I lost a lot of my own weight, my face got thinner and my shoulders got more defined. My jackets fit me better than ever! I was stronger too, which is really helpful when the baby comes!

Now that V is here, I need to carefully plan my meals and my workout time. Every second is precious! I'm feeling great these days, fitting into jeans I couldn't wear even before I was pregnant. Luckily, I've been back at my original weight for a long time now, but I'm working at getting to my weight from 11 years ago, when I was at my prime!
There's a sense of motivation now that I can't shake off. I'm going to Mexico in January and hope to look confident in my bikini :) 

Weight has always been a touchy subject for me, even though I'm a pretty confident person. I'm working hard at removing my negative stigma associated to exercising and learning to love it!

Most of all, I just want to look good in all my awesome clothes!

Are you a new mom and feeling unmotivated? Have you struggled with weight?
Are you afraid of weight gain during your pregnancy?
Leave your comments below, I'd love nothing more that to support you!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Baby Pictures 101

If you are anything like me, there is nothing more valuable to you than a beautiful professional picture taken of your family.

I know it's not for everyone, and it's not necessarily a vanity thing… It's mostly because I am the family photographer, so I don't always show up in the pictures. Oh, my first world problems! Anyway, when I die, there will be loads of professional pictures taken of me, and people will only remember how great I looked (because I had hair and makeup done in all the photos ;) ). Mouahahahaha

Ok, back to business. You may think I am crazy for talking about Christmas photos in early November, but trust me when I say, YOU NEED TO BOOK EARLY! The good photographers in the city are always booked up! Plus there is so much planning that goes into this, and you need time to prepare.

Because I have experience with both pre-natal and family (us with a 9 month old) photos, I decided to write a post to help you plan and prepare for these special moments. These are not just pictures, these are the memories you are creating for the future. This is why you should pay attention to your clothes, your hair, your props and keep the photo style as classic as possible! Don't forget to make it "YOU", if the photo doesn't match your style or personality, you won't be happy sharing them with your friends and family.

Love the vintage truck and the custom hat I had made.

Maternity photos from Nov 2012.
We didn't know the sex so we went with "Baby Day".
  • Plan ahead- book your appointment a few months before you need the pictures. Not only does the photographer get booked, you need some time to receive the images as well. We waited about 2 weeks, witch is faster than industry standards. Note that wedding pictures take much longer because you have so much more coverage.
  • New born pictures are fairly complicated, you need to book for around 10-12 days to get the squishy sleeping pictures. They are also more fussy, so you need more time to get it all done right. I did my own new born pictures, so I don't have advice to give you here.
  • Photo sessions take about 45 min to 1 hr depending on the photographer. You really don't need more than that. Kids get tired easily and you don't need hundreds of the same picture. Just one great shot matters!
  • Ask the photographer about props and outfit changes. The older the kids are, the faster you can change them. Some photographers have lots of great props (like mine), but you may want to bring your own things to keep it original. Props can make or break your image. It's a fragile zone between cute and cheesy… so be careful. You've been warned!
  • Plan your outfits. It should be coordinated but not matching. For example, we chose dark outfits with pops of red (my lipstick, V's bow tie) and plaid on Michael and V's shirt. I was so stressed about what I should wear. I wanted to go "cozy" but bulky clothes is not the most flattering on me nor is it a classic look. I am happy with our outfit choices. We look comfortable, clean and classic!
  • Put some thought into your props. I like the antique feel, and that's my choice of decor at home. I like original prices like my mistletoe. I bought this for my pregnancy shoot and used it again for our family shoot. I also had a hat made for Victor to support a fellow mom's business. I did a bit of Pinter-research to get inspired too. 
  • Make sure you book the session at a good time where baby will have had a nap and food. They need to be rested because it's a lot of work for them. 9 months is a good age because they can smile, they can sit up, they can't walk yet so they will stay put. Get the good pictures out of the way, because their energy doesn't last.
  • Make sure you like your hair, that you put on makeup (while still looking like yourself) and have the men with clean hair and shaven face. You can't look scruffy, unless that's the look you are going for. Photographers always complement on my makeup, and I later tell them that I am a makeup artist, which helps :)
  • Be organized on the day of the shoot. As you know I love lists and I would die without them. Again, if I die, there will be great photos of me (full circle, see how I did that?) haha. For real though, make sure you have payment, your props, your list of photo ideas, outfit changes, your diaper bag with milk and snacks, baby's favourite toy for distraction and give yourself enough time to get beautiful!
  • And for all photos, smile, have fun and be yourself! Candid shots are gorgeous, just like the posed ones can be as well.
Have you planned a shoot? Need some help or inspiration? Leave your comments below, I'd love to help!

Fun sox are a great way to make an expression!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Online shopping: A new mom's addiction

We live in Canada, but for some reason, the possibilities with online shopping is just a fraction of what is available in the USA. Between shipping fees and duty, sometimes it's just not worth it.

When you have a baby, sometimes a simple task like picking up a book can be stressful. So, why not dabble in the online shopping world. It's convenient, it can be fast and often times cheaper!

I need your help compiling my list of websites for online shopping, so please leave your comments in the section bellow.

Everything and anything:

  • (use this site to do most of your shopping, which allows you to get a certain % cash back!)

Daily deals:
Baby stores:
For momma:
  • (free shipping but duty fee may apply)

Baby stuff taking over your house?

I always promised myself that I would not let baby stuff take over my house, my small house.

Well, unfortunately, you can't help but to rely on lots of baby stuff, and having things all over the house is actually very convenient. This post is dedicated to my prego friend who seemed overwhelmed by baby stuff when she started shopping for baby. My goal with this list is to make it lean and practical!

In the beginning… you will need these lifesaver tools:
- car seat
- stroller, carrier (optional)
- Pack n' play or bassinet (something safe for the new baby to sleep in with easy access). Pack n' plays are very useful if you will be travelling or if you need a place for baby to sleep other than your home. I bought mine used on Kijiji. These things don't get used very much, so the condition is really great for the price you pay.
- bouncy chair (somewhere safe to place baby)
- swing (LIFE SAVER for naps, congestion, colic). Baby can sleep well in the swing for naps.
- Play mat with arch that allows hanging toys.
- Toys, teething rings, rattles, books… not going into details here since there is a plethora of possibilities! Also, everyone has their preference when it comes to wooden organic toys versus battery opperated plastic ones. You will soon quickly convert to anything that lights up and makes noise to give you some extra alone time ;)

For phase two… sitting, standing, walking:
- bumbo
- high chair
- exersaucer, jolly jumper or equivalent
- play table (with removable legs)
- push walker
- rubber play mat (to cushion the blow of all the falling)

The extras… I was lucky to be the recipient of many baby hand me downs and have found the value is so much of the things that were given to me. If you have the opportunity to spoil your little one, or need birthday and christmas ideas, here are a few extra things to consider:
- sled
- wagon
- tricycle

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel! Luckily, the stuff you will need for baby will not be used for very long, so you can always buy it used, borrow stuff and return it when you no longer use it, or just store it away for baby number 2. Also, the baby "stuff" will soon be seen as lifesavers and not house clutter makers!
My living room is set up so all the baby stuff is in one corner.
Notice the brown basket that contains toys? It's one way to keep your space adult friendly when thing are put away :)

Do you have any "must have" items that I missed? Is my list too long for your comfort? Please leave your comments bellow.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mom hair

So, for some crazy reason, when you get pregnant or officially become a mom... All you feel like doing is reinventing yourself.
After all, you are now a new version of yourself.

So, I've been toying with the idea of chopping my long youthful hair off. Since I'm in Montreal, sans-V, why not treat myself. And... Voila!

So far I really like it. Let's see how it looks after I wash and style it myself. I got large bangs too, but I need to get used to them first before I make the reveal!

Have a good weekend guys and gals and don't forget that tomorrow is Daylight Savings! Yahoo! That means one more extra hour of uninterrupted sleep for momma!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Momma's night off: Weekend trip to Montreal

After a long trip to Thunder Bay with V and a jam packed Halloween, a little well deserved R&R is just what momma needs!

I'm headed to Montreal for a girls weekend/baby shower. So maybe I can't party hard with my prego bestie, but I sure can sleep in, have my arms to myself and just spend some time with ME! I miss ME :(

I'm on the train now, which is a fantastic way for me to catch up on my blogging :)
Coffee in hand, watching the beautiful farm landscapes out the window, it always reminds me that the train is truly a more civilized way of traveling! I bet people get inspired here all the time :)

If you're nervous about leaving baby and taking some time for yourself. DON'T BE!  You'll drive yourself nuts! The real trick is, leave and don't look back. Don't look at pictures of V like I just did. That will kill you and it's the perfect opportunity for our little friend called "guilt" to set in.

I live by these new words, happy mom, happy baby! When you come back from your time alone, you really feel rejuvenated and you will be more patient and appreciative of your family. I've been really focused on not losing myself since I've become a mom, and it's working for us!

Are you nervous about an upcoming trip? Need some feedback or tips? Please don't be shy and leave your comments below!